Konsep Pengembangan Kurikulum Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab untuk non-Arab

  • Rini Rini IAIN Curup
  • Veni Windari IAIN Curup
  • Annisa Rahma Sari IAIN Curup
Keywords: Curriculum , Language Arabic Learning non-Arabic


The development of an Arabic language learning curriculum for non-Arabs, especially in Indonesia, is very important to be implemented continuously to be able to answer the challenges of development and progress over time. This article presents a study related to the concept of developing an Arabic language curriculum for non-Arabs, especially in Indonesia. In this article, it is found that developing an Arabic language learning curriculum for non-Arabs must take into account psychological and socio-cultural foundations. The psychological basis is to pay attention to the similarities and differences between the first language and the second language. Meanwhile, the social and cultural foundation is based on the divine source of Islamic culture, namely the Qur'anul Karim, which has advantages and privileges, including strong principles, eternal principles, solid aqidah, a broad, comprehensive view covering various aspects of life, one goal and noble, and oriented towards charity and legal justice as the basis for curriculum development. In the next process, curriculum development is carried out by paying attention to the principles of curriculum development, namely, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, continuity and flexibility. Curriculum development processes in language teaching consist of needs analysis, goal setting, syllabus design, methodology, testing and assessment.
