Pengembangan E-Module Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Berbasis TPACK bagi Siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah 14 Talang Ulu
The main problem in education today is the weakness of the learning process due to teachers' limited mastery of strategies, methods, teaching materials, and learning resources. Arabic language learning in Indonesia still faces challenges such as students' readiness, the complexity of the material, and the low creativity of teachers. Arabic requires an effective and innovative approach, as well as the integration of technology in the learning process. This research is designed as Research and Development (R&D), which is a development research design. The steps of this research process are referred to as the R&D cycle, consisting of studying research findings related to the product to be developed, developing the product based on these findings, field testing in settings where it will eventually be used, and revising it to address deficiencies found during the testing stage.The research results indicate that the TPACK-based Arabic learning E-Module developed meets the feasibility criteria with improvements based on feedback from validators. The findings show that the developed E-Module can serve as an effective and engaging alternative learning medium, accessible anytime and anywhere. Through this module, students gain an interactive learning experience, enhanced understanding, and technology utilization. The research results demonstrate an improvement in the quality of Arabic learning at MIM 14 Talang Ulu and make a significant contribution to the development of innovative teaching materials.