Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning dengan Pendekatan Saintifik pada Materi Himpunan

  • Hamzah Jalani Aji Syahbarka IAIN Bengkulu
Keywords: Discovery Learning, Scientific Approach


This research is a classroom action research that aims to describe how discovery learning with a scientific approach can improve student activity. Data collection in this study using a questionnaire. Based on the results of the study it was found that, the activeness of students increased each cycle with an average score of cycle I was 54 with the category of moderately active and the average score of the cycle II was 65 with a very active category. Student activeness increases because 1) researchers create heterogeneous groups, 2) researchers always appoint students who are less active to present their work in front of the class, 3) researchers always appreciate students who are active in class by providing additional grades 4) teachers always motivate students lack of enthusiasm in learning.
